How to use circular pattern in solidworks ?

Best answer:

  1. . In an open sketch, click Circular Sketch Pattern (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Circular Pattern.
  2. . In the PropertyManager, under Entities to Pattern, select the sketch entities to pattern .
  3. . Under Parameters: Click Reverse direction .
  4. . Click .

How do you use circular patterns in Solidworks 2020?


How do you make a circular pattern?

  1. Create one or more features to replicate.
  2. Click Circular Pattern (Features toolbar) or Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Circular Pattern.
  3. Set the PropertyManager options.
  4. Click .

What does PCD mean in Solidworks?
What does PCD mean? The Pitch Circle Diameter (PCD) is the diameter of the circle which passes through the centre of all the studs, wheel bolts or wheel rim holes.

How do you make circular patterns in Fusion 360?

  1. Click Design > Solid > Create > Pattern > Circular Pattern .
  2. Select the Pattern Type from the dropdown menu:
  3. Select Objects to pattern in the canvas.
  4. Select the Axis to pattern along in the canvas.
  5. Select the Type from the dropdown menu:
  6. Adjust the Quantity.

What is a circular pattern?
A circular pattern is an radial arrayof objects around a. Center point in a sketch. Axis in a part or assembly. Bolt pattern on automobile wheel would be an example.

How do I create a pattern sketch in Solidworks?

  1. Open a sketch on the face of a part.
  2. Create a seed feature on the model.
  3. Click Point or Tools > Sketch Entity > Point , and add multiple sketch points to represent the pattern you want to create, based on the seed feature.
  4. Close the sketch.
See also  How to export fusion 360 to stl ?
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