How to show hidden lines in solidworks drawings ?

Best answer: To show or hide hidden edges in the Drawing View Properties dialog box: Right-click the drawing view and select Properties. Select the Show Hidden Edges tab. Select a feature or component from either the drawing view or the FeatureManager design tree to add it to the list of items to be shown with hidden lines.

How do you hide a tangent line?


How do you show detail in Solidworks drawing?

  1. Click Detail View. (Drawing toolbar), or click Insert > Drawing View > Detail.
  2. The Detail View PropertyManager appears and the Circle tool. is active.
  3. Sketch a circle.
  4. When the view is where you want it to be, click to place the view.

How do you show a tangent line in Solidworks drawing?
Views – to set the display for an individual view in a drawing, right-click the view in either the graphics area or the FeatureManager design tree and select Tangent Edge, then choose a tangent edge display mode.

Can you dimension hidden lines in Solidworks?
You can hide and show dimension lines and extension lines. Right-click a dimension line or extension line and select Hide Dimension Line or Hide Extension Line. To show hidden lines, right-click the dimension or a visible line and select Show Dimension Lines or Show Extension Lines.

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How do you make hidden lines visible?

  1. Click Display Style > Hidden Lines Visible (Heads-up View toolbar).
  2. Hidden Lines Visible (View toolbar).
  3. View > Display > Hidden Lines Visible.

How do I show a construction line in Solidworks?
on the Sketch toolbar. Click Tools > Sketch Tools > Construction Geometry. Right-click a sketch entity and select Construction Geometry (drawings only).

What is detail view in drawing?
A detail view is used to clarify specific areas of a drawing. Usually, an area is enlarged so that small details are easier to see.

What is detailing mode in Solidworks?
Detailing Mode was introduced in 2019 as a new method for working with Large Assembly Drawings without the need to load the assembly model into memory thus speeding up Drawing open times.

What is a detailed view?
A detail view is a view of the model that appears as a callout or section in other views. This type of view typically represents the model at finer scales of detail than in the parent view.

Why are the bend lines not showing in Solidworks drawing?
Bend Lines not Visible When placing a view manually, select “(A) Flat pattern” from “Orientation”-“More Views”. If this does not work, check the “Bend-Lines” sketch in the flat pattern is visible. This will solve the issue of the bend lines not showing, however, hiding the sketch removes the bend notes.

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How do I show edges in Solidworks?

  1. Click Hide/Show Edges.
  2. Select the edges to hide (you can select edges individually, or use box selection), then click .
  3. To show edges, click Hide/Show Edges.
  4. Select the hidden edges highlighted in orange, (you can select edges individually, or use box selection), then click .

Can you dimension hidden lines?
Avoid dimensioning to hidden lines wherever possible. 7. Dimensions should not be placed on the object unless that is the only clear option. intermediate dimension can nest closer to the object to avoid crossing extension lines.

Can extension lines cross visible lines?
Dimension lines and extension lines should not cross, if avoidable. However, extension lines may cross each other. 23. When extension lines cross other extension lines or visible object lines, no break in either line should be made.

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