How to save exploded view in solidworks ?

Best answer: To do this, we can use Exploded Views in SOLIDWORKS. The Exploded View function is located on the CommandManager in the Assembly tab.


How do you save a view in SOLIDWORKS?

  1. In a SOLIDWORKS document that contains a custom view, press the spacebar or click Orientation. (View toolbar).
  2. Hover over the custom view you want to make available in all SOLIDWORKS documents. Options to save or delete the view appear.
  3. Click Save View to SOLIDWORKS .

How do you reuse a exploded view in SOLIDWORKS?
In an assembly, select a subassembly or multibody part that has an exploded view. In the PropertyManager, under Reuse explode, click From Subassembly or From Part. If the subassembly or multibody part contains more than one exploded view, you can select the exploded view to use.

How do you show exploded view in SOLIDWORKS drawings?
Right-click the drawing view and click Properties. In the Drawing View Properties dialog box, under Configuration information, select Show in exploded or model break state.

What is exploded view in a assembly?
An exploded view shows an assembly’s components spread out, but positioned to show how the components fit together when assembled. You create exploded views by selecting and dragging parts in the graphics area to create an explode step. In exploded views you can: Evenly space exploded stacks of components.

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What is the purpose of exploded view?
Exploded diagrams show how a product can be assembled and how the separate parts fit together, with dotted lines showing where the parts slide into place. The diagrams also show components that would usually be hidden in a solid drawing.

How do I create an ISO view in SolidWorks?
To change the orientation of a section or aligned section view to isometric: Right-click a section or aligned section view and select Isometric Section View. To remove the isometric orientation, right-click the view and select Remove Isometric View.

How do I create a model view in SolidWorks?

  1. Click Model View. (Drawing toolbar) or Insert > Drawing View > Model.
  2. Set options in the Model View PropertyManager.
  3. Click Next .
  4. Set additional options in the Model View PropertyManager.
  5. Click .

Where is property manager in Solidworks?
The PropertyManager appears on the PropertyManager tab in the panel to the left of the graphics area. It opens when you select entities or commands defined in the PropertyManager. You can choose whether it opens in other cases in Tools > Options > System Options > General .

Is there auto explode in Solidworks?
Dread no more, SOLIDWORKS 2018 has you covered! New to SOLIDWORKS 2018 is the Smart Explode Lines tool. This tool automatically adds explodes lines for each component within your exploded view.

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Can you explode a subassembly in Solidworks?
To use an exploded view from a subassembly: In an assembly, select a subassembly that has an exploded view. In the PropertyManager, click Reuse Subassembly Explode. The subassembly explodes in the graphics area, and the steps of the exploded view from the subassembly appear under Explode Steps.

Where can we use exploded view drawing?
The exploded view drawing is used in parts catalogs, assembly and maintenance manuals and other instructional material. The projection of an exploded view is usually shown from above and slightly in diagonal from the left or right side of the drawing.

How do you auto explode in Solidworks?
With an assembly open, select the components that you want to explode in the graphics area or FeatureManager design tree and click Exploded View . In the PropertyManager, select Auto-space components on drag. Use the handle in the graphics area to move all the components.

How do you add explosion lines in Solidworks?

  1. Click Explode Line Sketch (Assembly toolbar) or Insert > Explode Line Sketch. The Explode Sketch toolbar appears.
  2. Add explode lines by using: Route Line (Explode Sketch toolbar)
  3. Close the sketch. The sketch 3DExplode appears in the ConfigurationManager under Exploded View .
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