How to save an assembly as a part in solidworks ?

Best answer: With your top level assembly open, left click on a sub-assembly that you would like to save as a part and chose Open Subassembly. 2. With the sub-assembly open click File, Save as. Chose the option to Save as when prompted.


How do I convert assembly to a part in SOLIDWORKS?

  1. In an assembly, click File > Save As.
  2. Select Part (*. prt;*. sldprt) for the file type.
  3. Select Include specified components.
  4. Select Override defaults.
  5. Click Save.

How do you save SOLIDWORKS assembly as multibody parts?
To save a part as an assembly and create instance counts from similar bodies: Click Insert > Features > Save Bodies. In the Save Bodies PropertyManager, under Create Assembly, select Derive resulting parts from similar bodies or cut list.

How do I save an assembly in one file?
Method #2. Open the assembly and select File > Save As… select Save as type: STL (shown below). Then select the Options… button. Enable the option Save all Components of an assembly in a single file.

How do I export part of an assembly?

  1. Create a new file.
  2. From the Insert menu, click Insert Derive.
  3. Browse to the assembly file.
  4. Click Select.
  5. Select the specific components from the assembly file you would like to import.
  6. Click ok.
  7. Export the new file with the derived components.
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How do you save assembly as part Solid Edge?
You can use the Save Model As command on the Application menu to save the simplified representation of the assembly as a new Solid Edge Part document (*. PAR) or as a Parasolid document. This can be useful when another company uses your assembly as a part in their assemblies.

How do I make a part Assembly?

  1. Click Make Assembly from Part/Assembly (Standard toolbar) or File > Make Assembly from Part. An assembly opens with the Insert Component PropertyManager active.
  2. Click in the graphics area to add the part to the assembly. SOLIDWORKS makes the first component fixed.

Can you save an assembly as a STEP File?
You can set the export options when you export SOLIDWORKS part or assembly documents as STEP files. To set the STEP export options: Click File > Save As. Select a STEP file type for Save as type, then click Options.

How do I export a part in Solidworks?

  1. Select one of the following: The face or surface of a part in the graphics area.
  2. Click File > Save As.
  3. Set Save as type to a file type, then click Options.
  4. Set options for the file type.
  5. In the File name box, type a name.
  6. Click Save.

How do I export individual parts in Solidworks?

  1. Do one of the following options: Click Exploded View .
  2. Select one or more components to include in the first explode step.
  3. Drag a translation or rotation handle to move selected components.
  4. Modify explode options:
  5. Click Done.
  6. Create more explode steps as required, and click .
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How do I convert Solid Edge to SolidWorks?

  1. Click File > Open.
  2. Set Files of type to one of the following: Solid Edge Part (*. par, *. psm) Solid Edge Assembly (*. asm)
  3. Browse to a file, and click Open. Solid Edge files store data only in metric units so SOLIDWORKS always reads Solid Edge files in metric units.

Does SolidWorks support Solid Edge?
You can use the dialog box to control how the SolidWorks document is opened in Solid Edge. Solid Edge supports SolidWorks part files containing the . SLDPRT or .

What file types can Solid Edge open?
Solid Edge is a CAD software developed by Siemens PLM. Solid Edge supported native or neutral formats are STL, IGES, DXF, DWG, STEP, Microstation, Parasolid, ACIS, PLMXML, NX.

Can you make a part in an assembly solidworks?
To create a part within an assembly: Click New Part (Assembly toolbar) or Insert > Component > New Part. For externally saved parts, type a name for the new part in the Save As dialog box and click Save.

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