How to read engineering drawings symbols ?

Best answer:

  1. . Visible line: Indicates an edge is visible in relevant view.
  2. . Hidden line: Indicates the edge is behind a face.
  3. . Phantom line: Mostly used to indicate an alternate position of a moving part.
  4. . Centre lines: drawn to indicate the exact geometric centre of the assembly.

How do you read engineering drawing tolerances?


What are the symbols used in engineering drawing?
Basic types of symbols used in engineering drawings are countersink, counterbore, spotface, depth, radius, and diameter. Here are more commonly used engineering drawing symbols and design elements as below.

What is Ø in engineering?
Science, technology and engineering Slashed zero (0̸), a representation of the number 0 (zero) to distinguish it from the letter O. The symbol for diameter (⌀), U+2300 in Unicode.

How do you read and interpret drawings?
Follow projection lines to read most dimensions. Lines drawn up or down indicate length and width, while those out to the side indicate height. Some drawings might place the dimensions directly on the side of the object if it’s clear in the drawing what side that dimension refers to.

What are the 4 basic components of an engineering drawing?

1. What is Engineering drawing?

  1. Orthogonal views.
  2. Dimensions.
  3. Scale.
  4. Projection.
  5. Drawing Standards.
  6. Name/ Title of the drawing.
  7. Tolerances.
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How do I learn to read blueprints?

  1. Begin with the title block. The title block is the first piece of information you’ll see in construction site plans.
  2. Study the plan legend.
  3. Find the blueprint’s scale and orientation.
  4. Look for notes from the architect.

What are the 7 categories of technical drawing?

  1. Technical Drawings and their Types.
  2. General layout drawing.
  3. Layout drawing.
  4. General arrangement drawing.
  5. Detail drawing.
  6. Assembly drawing.
  7. Erection drawings.
  8. Process flow diagram.

What are drawing symbols?
In art, a symbol is something recognizable that stands for or represents something else—an idea or concept that would be hard to draw or paint, such as love or hope for eternal life.

What is this symbol φ?
Phi (/faɪ/; uppercase Φ, lowercase φ or ϕ; Ancient Greek: ϕεῖ pheî [pʰéî̯]; Modern Greek: φι fi [fi]) is the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet.

What does R mean on a drawing?
Use of just the “R” with no associated size callout is generally intended to mean “full radius.” A word about Y14. 5M: Unless it’s called out on the drawing, or otherwise contractually agreed to, it has no standing. Marc. J.

What is Ø with a line through it?
Ø (or minuscule: ø) is a letter used in the Danish, Norwegian, Faroese, and Southern Sámi languages. It is mostly used as a representation of mid front rounded vowels, such as [ø] and [œ], except for Southern Sámi where it is used as an [oe] diphthong.

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What are the 5 types of technical drawing?
3D drawings (isometric, perspective) • Exploded-view 3D drawings • Complete working drawings • Detail drawings (2D orthogonal projections) •Diagrams are another form of technical drawing with looser, less universal standards.

What are the 6 types of engineering drawing?

  1. Isometric Drawing.
  2. Orthographic or Multiview Drawings.
  3. Dimensioning.
  4. Sectioning.
  5. Drawing Tools.
  6. Assembly Drawings.
  7. Cross-Sectional Views.
  8. Half-Sections.
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