How to move sketches in solidworks ?

Best answer:

  1. . In an active sketch, click Modify Sketch. (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Modify.
  2. . In the dialog box: To move the sketch geometry incrementally, under Translate, type a value for X value and Y value and press Enter.
  3. . Click Close.

How do you move extrude sketches?


How do I move a position sketch in SolidWorks?
To move the sketch geometry incrementally, under Translate, type a value for X value and Y value and press Enter. To move a specified point of the sketch to a specific location, under Translate, select Position selected point and click a point in the sketch. Type a value for X value and Y value and press Enter.

How do I move a fixed sketch in SolidWorks?
First, Window select the sketch entities you wish to move. Second, Hold the CTRL key on your keyboard then Pick and Drag the selected entities from one of the Points in the Sketch.

How do you copy and move a sketch in SolidWorks?

  1. Click Move Entities. (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Move.
  2. Click Copy Entities. (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Copy.
  3. Right-click to display the Sketch shortcut menu, click Sketch Tools, and click Move Entities or Copy Entities.

How do you drag in Solidworks?

  1. Select a view (the pointer changes to. ) and press Alt while dragging.
  2. Select the edge of a view (the pointer changes to. ), then drag.
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How do you move a sketch to another plane?
Select the sketch in the FeatureManager design tree, and click Edit, Sketch Plane. Right-click the sketch in the FeatureManager design tree, and select Edit Sketch Plane . Select a new plane in the FeatureManager design tree or select a new planar face in the model for Sketch Plane/Face . Click OK .

How do I move a sketch forward in Solidworks?

  1. Click Move Entities. (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Move.
  2. Click Copy Entities. (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Copy.
  3. Right-click to display the Sketch shortcut menu, click Sketch Tools, and click Move Entities or Copy Entities.

How do I align a sketch in Solidworks?
To align sketches: Select a line or a point in a sketch to be aligned with another sketch. Hold Ctrl and select a line or a point in the second sketch to which the first sketch is to be aligned. Click Align Sketch (2D to 3D toolbar), or click Tools > Sketch Tools > Align > Sketch.

What is Move command in SOLIDWORKS?
The Move face command in SOLIDWORKS allows the manipulation of geometry by faces. It is a perfect tool for working with imported geometries that do not bring in features that can be edited. The tool has three settings: offset, translate and rotate.

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How do you move things in SOLIDWORKS?
To move, copy, rotate, or mate a solid or surface body: Click Move/Copy Bodies (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Move/Copy . Specify parameters to move, copy, or rotate bodies. Apply mates between bodies.

Can you copy and paste sketches in Solidworks?
In SOLIDWORKS you can copy and paste: Sketches.

How do I use Move copy body?
Click Move/Copy Bodies (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Move/Copy. Specify parameters to move, copy, or rotate bodies. Apply mates between bodies. Click Translate/Rotate or Constraints at the bottom of the PropertyManager (if necessary) to switch to the page you want.

How do you move a sketch in Z axis in Solidworks?

  1. Click Move Entities. (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Move .
  2. Click Copy Entities. (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Copy.
  3. Right-click to display the Sketch shortcut menu, click Sketch Tools, and click Move Entities or Copy Entities.
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