How to get more engineers in xcom ?

Best answer:

  1. . You start with 5 engineers.
  2. . Each Workshop built provides 5 additional engineers.
  3. . Performing random missions that offer engineers as a reward.
  4. . The monthly report from The Council can provide engineers dependent on having Satellites over certain countries.

How do you use the black market in xcom2?


How do you recruit engineers in XCOM?
You can’t recruit them like you can soldiers. You CAN recruit them, at times, in your resistance HQ and the blackmarket, BUT neither of those 2 is a guaranteed “spawn” for them, so either check back monthly (Central/councilguy tells you about new guys at resistance HQ) or franical choose missions with them as a reward.

How do I get more engineers in XCOM 2 Wotc?
You can recruit new personnel by completing Covert Actions. The same places are used to acquire scientists and engineers: The Black Market – each time you get resources from the Council, new items will appear on the Black Market. Among them, there may be engineers and scientists (“purchasable” for Intel points).

What should I sell in XCOM 1?
The game will clearly indicate what is OK to sell without any consequences. Never, under any circumstances, sell Alien Alloys, some corpses, or Elerium. You’ll need each of these as necessary materials for a lot of manufacturable weapons, armors, and items in the game (especially Alloys!).

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What do scientists do in XCOM?
Scientists are employees of XCOM in XCOM headquarters’ Laboratories in XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Headed by Dr. Vahlen, scientists perform valuable research that allows your Engineers to build different weapons, armors, equipment, aircraft and facilities.

Does proving ground use engineers?
The rooms I know that use engineers are: Advanced Warfare Center, Proving Grounds, Resistance Comms, Power Core, Defense Matrix and Psi Lab.

What do extra scientists do in XCOM 2?
Scientists in XCOM 2 reduce the time it takes to complete research projects. These projects give access to more powerful weapons, armors and items among other benefits. The more scientists aboard the Avenger, the sooner the research projects are completed.

What should I build first in XCOM 2?

  1. 7 Proving Ground.
  2. 6 Laboratory.
  3. 5 Resistance Comms.
  4. 4 Psi Lab.
  5. 3 Guerrilla Tactics School.
  6. 2 Shadow Chamber.
  7. 1 Advanced Warfare Center.

What should I research XCOM 2?

  1. Modular weapons.
  2. Start alien biotech.
  3. Do resistance comms ASAP and contant the black site region.
  4. Finish alien biotech.
  5. Magnetic weapons.
  6. Gauss weapons or Armor.
  7. Armor or Gauss weapons.

What should I research first in XCOM Enemy Within?
Initial Research Xeno-Biology Xeno-Biology is the first tech your should investigate. Doing so unlocks construction of Alien Containment, a necessary Objective to advance the plot. You’ll also need to develop Arc Throwers to enable the live capture of a Sectoid. After this move on to Alien Materials.

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What can I sell on the gray market?
Other popular gray market products include luxury cars, high-end apparel, handbags and shoes, cigarettes, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Unauthorized dealers may import such items in bulk and, despite adding a healthy markup, sell them at a price still well below the local cost.

Do I need 2 power relays XCOM 2?
So to wrap up you need two power relays one of which should be on an exposed power coil and the other can be where it fits best with your other facilities.

Where should I build power relay XCOM 2?
Due to the required power cost, the Power Relay should be built atop the first Exposed Power Coil and staffed by an engineer to further boost output.

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