How to cut threads in solidworks ?

Best answer:

  1. . Open a model with a cylindrical part and click Insert > Features > Thread .
  2. . In the graphics area, select a circular edge.
  3. . In the PropertyManager, under Specification, set values for the following:
  4. . For Thread method, click Cut thread.
  5. . Set the starting position of the Thread Location:

How do I create a thread in Solidworks?


How do you cut a thread on a rod in Solidworks?

  1. Click Offset.
  2. Click Reverse Direction.
  3. Set Offset Distance to 1.00mm .

How do I cut a thread in Solidworks 2013?
On a cylindrical feature (a boss, a cut, or a hole), select the circular edge where the thread begins. If the feature is a conical hole, select the major diameter. If the feature is a conical boss, select the minor diameter. You can also select the feature after you click the tool.

What is the difference between cut thread and extrude thread solidworks?
A Cut thread is extended and cut to match the end face. An Extrude thread is cut to match the end face. To use Trim with start face and Trim with end face, the profile must extend beyond the trimming face.

How do you extrude threads in Solidworks?
Start by creating a cylindrical extrusion (for the male thread) or a cylindrical hole (for the female thread). Then, select the edge where the thread will start. Finally, click “Insert” then “Annotations” then “Cosmetic Thread.” This will give you an opportunity to define the size, end conditions and thread class.

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How do I use the thread tool in SolidWorks?
Using the Thread Tool The Thread Tool can then be found underneath the Hole Wizard Tool on the Features tab of the Command Manager, or in Insert>Features>Thread. Once the Thread Tool is selected the location of the thread needs to be specified by selecting a circular edge. Then the thread specification should be set.

How do I edit a thread profile in SolidWorks?
Adding New Custom Thread Profile Data Open Solidworks, go to File->Open, and browse to your thread profiles file location. Open the existing file that most closely matches the type of thread you are adding.

How do you make a threaded hole in Solidworks 2020?

  1. Open a model with a cylindrical part and click Insert > Features > Thread .
  2. In the graphics area, select a circular edge.
  3. In the PropertyManager, under Specification, set values for the following:
  4. For Thread method, click Cut thread.
  5. Set the starting position of the Thread Location:

How do you use Hole Wizard in Solidworks?
You can use the Hole Wizard to create customized holes of various types. To create hole wizard holes, create a part and select a surface, click Hole Wizard (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Hole > Wizard, set the PropertyManager options, and click .

How do you tell if threads are rolled or cut?
For a cut thread bolt, no work has been done on the material. Metal removal is used to form the thread. For a rolled thread bolt, the threaded section is formed by metal movement during the cold forming process.

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Why are rolled threads superior to cut threads?
For the same reason, rolled threads are often much smoother, and damage resistant during handling than cut threads. Thread rolling changes the mechanical properties of the material by work hardening it, resulting in increased wear and fatigue resistance, as well as enhanced shear, tensile, and yield strength.

What is a thread in Solidworks?
The thread feature allows you to both extrude threads and cut threads so this cylindrical surface can be the inside of a hole or the outside surface of a shaft.

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