How to change font size on solidworks drawing ?

Best answer:

  1. . Right-click the note text.
  2. . Select Edit Text in Window.
  3. . Edit the text in the Note text field.
  4. . Click OK.

How do I make text vertical size?


How do I change dimension text in SOLIDWORKS?

  1. Click Options. on the Standard toolbar, or click Tools > Options.
  2. On the Document Properties tab, expand Dimensions.
  3. Click a dimension type, for example, Angle.
  4. In Text position, select a position, for example, Broken Leader, Horizontal Text .
  5. Click OK.

How do I change font size in SOLIDWORKS tolerance?

  1. Font scale. Enter a number from 0 to 10.0 to scale the font.
  2. Font height. Enter a value to specify the font height.

How do I change sheet font in Solidworks?
To do this click on the dimension > go-to property manager > select the tab named ‘Other’ > under the Dimension font section uncheck the Use document font option > press the font button.

How do you edit text in sketch?
Edit or format text in drawing sketch Double-click a sketch with text to activate the sketch environment. Double-click the text object to edit. In the Format Text dialog box, edit text, add symbols, parameters or properties in text, or change the text formatting. Then click OK.

How do I change the annotation size in SOLIDWORKS?
You can set a custom text scale for text annotations in parts and assemblies. To set a custom text scale: Click Tools > Options > Document Properties > Detailing . In the dialog box, clear Always display text at the same size.

See also  How to edit title block in solidworks ?

How do you use text in SOLIDWORKS?

  1. Click a face of a part.
  2. Click Text.
  3. In the graphics area, select an edge, curve, sketch, or sketch segment.
  4. In the PropertyManager, under Text, type the text to display.
  5. Set the properties in the Sketch Text PropertyManager as necessary.
  6. Click .
  7. With the sketch still open, extrude or cut the text.

How do I change the size of a leader in SOLIDWORKS?
Select one or more dimensions, then click Leaders in the Dimension PropertyManager. If you select multiple dimensions, only the properties that apply to all the selected dimensions are available.

How do you show tolerance in SOLIDWORKS drawing?
When you use a general tolerance, you can display a symmetrical tolerance within the dimension text. The displayed tolerance is based on the tolerance class specified in parts and assemblies, in Tools > Options > Document Properties > DimXpert, under General tolerance.

How do you sketch text in SOLIDWORKS?

  1. Click a face of a part.
  2. Click Text.
  3. In the graphics area, select an edge, curve, sketch, or sketch segment.
  4. In the PropertyManager, under Text, type the text to display.
  5. Set the properties in the Sketch Text PropertyManager as necessary.
  6. Click .
  7. With the sketch still open, extrude or cut the text.

How do I edit a SOLIDWORKS drawing template?

  1. File > Open and change your file type option to Template.
  2. Change the drawing sheet size if necessary.
  3. Change the sheet format to the desired sheet format file.
  4. Change any options needed within the Document Properties.
See also  How to view solidworks files without solidworks ?

How do I resize text on shape?
To resize the box, drag a corner (make sure the other corner is fixed). If the box has been dimensioned, you are not able to resize it by dragging. Note that when you drag the text box, you see only the text box until you lift your finger, then you see the text.

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