Best answer: To unfix a component(s), right click on them and select “Float”. Moving a component within fully constrained assembly will move the entire assembly. Any components, that have not…
CAD Softwares
Best answer: . In an open sketch, click Circular Sketch Pattern (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Circular Pattern. . In the PropertyManager, under Entities to Pattern, select…
Best answer: SolidWorks offers a free and easy solution for you called eDrawings Viewer. The eDrawings Viewer allows you to open eDrawings files, get dimensions, and collaborate with others by…
Best answer: Start by creating a cylindrical extrusion (for the male thread) or a cylindrical hole (for the female thread). Then, select the edge where the thread will start. Finally,…
Best answer: Disabling the system warning Scroll to the bottom of the window and find the warning for SOLIDWORKS Resource Monitor and disable the notification by clicking the bar to…
Best answer: . In a part document, click Scale (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Scale . . Set options in the PropertyManager. . Click. The geometry of the…
Best answer: . In a part document, click Scale (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Scale . . Set options in the PropertyManager. . Click. The geometry of the…
Best answer: In a part document, click Scale (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Scale . Set options in the PropertyManager. The geometry of the model increases or decreases…
Best answer: To show bend lines in flat patterns, do one of the following: Click View > Hide/Show > Sketches. In the FeatureManager design tree, expand Flat-Pattern and Flat-Pattern( n…
Best answer: To get there go to Tools > Options > Document Properties . In the Detailing section, there are two options that need to be selected, ‘Cosmetic threads’ and…
Best answer: To show or hide hidden edges in the Drawing View Properties dialog box: Right-click the drawing view and select Properties. Select the Show Hidden Edges tab. Select a…
Best answer: on the Curves toolbar, or Insert > Curve > Projected. Use this selection to project a sketched curve onto a model face. , select the curve in the…