How to sketch on a curved surface in solidworks ?

Best answer: on the Curves toolbar, or Insert > Curve > Projected. Use this selection to project a sketched curve onto a model face. , select the curve in the graphics area or from the flyout FeatureManager design tree. , select the cylindrical face on the model where you want to project the sketch.

How do you sketch on cylindrical surface SolidWorks?


How do you extrude a curved surface in SolidWorks?

  1. Sketch the profile of the surface.
  2. Click Extruded Surface (Surfaces toolbar) or Insert > Surface > Extrude.
  3. Set the PropertyManager options. Extruded surface using Mid Plane from sketched spline.
  4. Click OK . Resulting extruded surface.

How do you curve an object in Solidworks?
on the Features toolbar, or click Insert > Features > Deform. In the PropertyManager, under Deform Type, select Curve to curve.

How do I project a sketch to another plane in Solidworks?
In the Sketch to Project box, select the sketch from the graphics area or from the FeatureManager design tree. If needed, in the Direction of Projection box, select a plane, edge, sketch, or face as the direction of the projected curve. You can also leave it empty.

How do you write on a surface in SolidWorks?

  1. Click a face of a part.
  2. Click Text.
  3. In the graphics area, select an edge, curve, sketch, or sketch segment.
  4. In the PropertyManager, under Text, type the text to display.
  5. Set the properties in the Sketch Text PropertyManager as necessary.
  6. Click .
  7. With the sketch still open, extrude or cut the text.
See also  How to hide dimensions in solidworks ?

How do you make a 3D Sketch in Solidworks?
To create a 3D sketch, click 3D Sketch (Sketch toolbar) or Insert > 3DSketch . You can create 3D sketch entities on a working plane, or at any arbitrary point in 3D space. In 3D sketching, a graphical space handle helps maintain your orientation while you sketch on several planes.

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